Group to study vacant properties in
Vacant and abandoned properties cause an unwelcome ripple effect, hurting property values and draining community resources.
A team of outside experts is trying to help
Experts with the National Vacant Properties Campaign recently visited
Members of the assessment team will return later this month, to focus on vacant properties in
Joseph Schilling, the team's leader, concedes
"There are a lot of people who are really committed to
Enthusiasm alone won't solve the problem, but Schilling said such interest is essential to build momentum for change.
Four organizations are collaborating on the vacant properties campaign: the Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC), Smart Growth America, the International City/County Management Association and the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech.
The University at Buffalo Institute of Local Governance and Regional Growth, and the Amherst Industrial Development Agency are co-sponsoring the project with LISC.
Among the problems team members heard local officials say they want to resolve: how to take control of vacant or abandoned properties more quickly, before they fall into disuse, said Michael Clarke, program director of Buffalo LISC.
Another issue team members are researching: increasing coordination among different efforts in the region to deal with vacant properties, so that strategies don't overlap or work at cross purposes.
In other communities, the campaign has encouraged greater local collaboration as a path to success.
Since the study has a regional approach, the team members will also look at vacant properties in
"Everyone is coming to understand that this is an issue to deal with," Clarke said.
The team members plan to finish a draft report by the end of the year and expect to make a formal presentation of their ideas in spring 2006, Clarke said.
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aw, gee, "outside experts." Now there's a moniker that inspires confidence. We need a better name for what this category of helpers is, so it doesn't conjure up images of Men in Black.