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a view from recently demolished 669 Genesee Street

City gives up rights to former J.N. Adam center


News Staff Reporter

An eight-month battle over the future of a Perrysburg site that was once home to Buffalo's tuberculosis hospital took another turn Wednesday when the Common Council voted to give up the city's reversionary rights.

The Council's about-face paves the way for the state to sell the 650-acre site of the former J.N. Adam Developmental Center to a logging company that has pledged to "responsibly" manage the forest. The 7-1 vote is expected to end a legal fight launched by Trathen Land Co. of Livingston County, which accused the city of illegally blocking its plans to buy the land.

North Council Member Joseph Golombek Jr. was the only dissenting vote at Wednesday's special session, which was hastily called in the middle of the Council's August recess. Sale critics later scolded lawmakers for holding the meeting when Council President David A. Franczyk was out of town and unable to attend. Franczyk, a vocal opponent of the sale, sent a letter to peers urging them to continue to block the deal. "Not only is our city being cheated on the purchase price, a measly $333,900 when the parcel in question was assessed at $4 million two years ago, but the bidder has no solid, written or any plan . . . to preserve or reuse the buildings," Franczyk wrote.

Mayor Anthony M. Masiello praised the Council for reversing opposition to the deal, noting that the state will give the city 90 percent of the sale price.

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There is a quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder, and this meaner quality is the dishonest mask
of pretended order, achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real order that is struggling to exist and to be served.
- Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) from The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961.

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