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a view from recently demolished 669 Genesee Street

A Match Made in Perrysburg!



While sleuthing around City Hall today, I happened to obtain a copy of the file containing supporting documents filed by various parties who are concerned about the JN Adam deal to Trathen on January 11th.

I learned that the Western New York Land Conservancy (WNYLC) met with Tom Trathen from the The Trathen Group, this past December. They were impressed with his operations and demonstrated commitment to good forestry practices, farming and wildlife habitat. I spoke with Amy Holt, the Executive Director today about the deal. She was upset that their comments have been taken out of context. In a December 29, 2004 letter to Tom Trathen, Amy wrote:

  • After having visited the JN Adam site, it is apparent to me that a radically different management approach needs to be used(referring to the current neglect). I applaud your willingness to undertake the maintenance and potential refurbishing of the historic buildings. It’s a huge project that requires a serious investment of time and funds. Obviously the state and city do not have the resources to continue to manage the site.

Folks, it doesn’t get better than this.

Marc Ganz, from NYS in an e-mail to Lenora Foote – City Hall Law Dept – detailed a six year marketing campaign that NYS has pursued to liquidate this site which included 6000 mailings to potential buyers. Someone on the 13th floor must have thought it was a secret deal going down. As I've shown in other posts the sale of surplus state property is very transparent.

For the record….Bonifacio, Fontana, Franczyk, Golombek & Griffin voted yes (to approve not selling the site) and Coppola, Davis, Russell & Thompson voted no (to the resolution stopping the sale).

Let’s get back to the business of building Buffalo and our neighborhoods. Myrton Sprague as Perrysburg town supervisor is doing what our elected and anointed should be doing. Pruning and doing things on a bitterly cold day that just have to get done to insure a good grape crop next year. Funny, I haven’t heard of a control board headed for Perrysburg recently, have you?

Call the gang of 5 Merry-Pranksters and let them know what you think.

Please sign the petition.

Consider joining the WNYLC.

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There is a quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder, and this meaner quality is the dishonest mask
of pretended order, achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real order that is struggling to exist and to be served.
- Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) from The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961.

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