I'll archive writing about Buffalo and keep track of it here. I'd like to feature local, regional and national writers presenting creative, critical and thoughtful insight into the problems that we face as a city and region. Feel free to comment and suggest articles, books and essays that hit close to home, stuff you think other people should be reading.
- How Buffalo Get a Warhol 1997 Craig Reynolds
- Conversation with Jane Jacobs July 27, 2000 - Interview with Hank Bromley and Tim Tielman
- The Incredible Shrinking City January 2, 2005 - Buffalo News Charity Vogel & Jay Rey
- Leaders Set Course for Region's Destruction February 8, 2005 - David Staba
- Endangered City of Buffalo March 2005 - Paul M. Bray
- A Letter from Jane Jacobs April 2005
- American Vertigo - February 2006
- After a half century of decline... - NYT September 18, 2006
Artspace Archive • Annals of Neglect • BAVPA • Where is Perrysburg? • Broken Promises...
Writing the City • Woodlawn Row Houses • Tour dé Neglect - 2006
Artspace Archive • Annals of Neglect • BAVPA • Where is Perrysburg? • Broken Promises...
Writing the City • Woodlawn Row Houses • Tour dé Neglect - 2006
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