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a view from recently demolished 669 Genesee Street

Demolition by Neglect

The following is the full text of a resolution sponsored by Buffalo Common Council President David Franczyk on April 19, 2005. The full text of this resolution was sent to me by the City Clerk's office. I've changed the formatting to make it easier to read. The resolution is currently in the Committee on Legislation.

No. 129 Sponsor: Mr. Franczyk - "Demolition By Neglect"

Whereas: Buffalo is blessed with a wealth of magnificent architecture and our buildings have a unique character that is one of our greatest assets and something that most other communities could only dream of; and

Whereas: Many of these building are privately owned, and some are not being properly maintained and are deteriorating to a point where repair or rehabilitation is considered unfeasible; and

Whereas: Often these buildings are willfully left to deteriorate so that an unscrupulous property owner justifies having the structure demolished instead of renovating or repairing the structure; and

Whereas: This situation is commonly referred to as "demolition by neglect". Demolition by neglect should be avoided at all costs. Severe penalties should be imposed on any property owner who participates in this practice; and Penalties should be increased for any property that is located within a historic district or for a building that is declared a local, state, or national landmark; and

Whereas: Albany and New York City have adopted ordinances which prohibit owners of historic properties from creating or maintaining a condition which significantly impairs the structural integrity of a building within a historic district; Now,

Therefore, Be It Resolved: That the Common Council of the City of Buffalo directs the Corporation Counsel to draft an ordinance that would prevent demolition by neglect; and

Be it Further Resolved: That the ordinance would prohibit owners of historic properties or properties within a historic district from creating or maintaining a condition which significantly impairs the structural integrity of the building and impose appropriate penalties for such violations; and

Be It Finally Resolved: That the City Clerk of the City of Buffalo send certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Permits & Inspections, Buffalo Preservation Board, the Campaign for a Greater Buffalo, the Preservation Coalition of Erie County, the Landmark Society, and Department of Public Works for their comments and response

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There is a quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder, and this meaner quality is the dishonest mask
of pretended order, achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real order that is struggling to exist and to be served.
- Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) from The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961.

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